Monday, April 1, 2013

A Brief Synopsis of “For Our Children”

     In the not too distant future, resides a group of college friends and one of them, John Henry, rises through corruption to become the President of the United States. In the beginning, he despairingly turns to the dark side but the problem is when he becomes to like it. He wreaks havoc upon America but through an act of divine intervention, he discovers he has a soul and sets out upon a path of redemption to turn the country around...AND HE DOES. But no good deed goes unpunished.  He takes an assassin’s bullet to the back of the head.  But that’s okay because he now stands before the Gates of Heaven with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel inscribed upon it. At the top of the gate, the twelve angels look down upon him and say, “WHY SHOULD WE LET YOU IN?” He slowly looks up to them, opens his mouth and says, “.............BUY THE DAMN BOOK!!!”

Part I - The Prayer

     The Prayer is the first story within our story of America. It is a demanding read designed to test your literary fortitude.  The story challenges the Baby Boomer generation and the hope for our children’s future.  The Playwright represents Christianity.  Gabriel, God’s messenger represents God’s Word to the world.  The Prostitute represents the souls yet lost in the world.  In the beginning, we come to believe the problems of America are from the point of view of mankind but by the end we learn they are actually from the point of view of Gabriel, God’s messenger.  We are being judged, as God once judged Israel.  It is a call to Christians to defend, not their souls, but rather the souls of the lost.  The Devil does not covet the souls of Christians; he only desires the low hanging fruit, the lost.  He tries to seize these lost souls but he cannot be allowed to win.  In the end, it is THE PRAYER for AMERICA.

Part II - The Answer

     The STORY of John Henry begins here. His story is the much anticipated answer to OUR prayers for AMERICA.  He rises to the Presidency of the United States, falls into darkness, and is given a second chance for redemption through an act of divine intervention to save his soul, as well as  America. John successfully reestablishes the financial significance of the Middle Class, thus turning around America in the process.  Author Note: The Freedom Energy Bill on Page 226 has manifested itself into reality as the Energy Security Trust of 2013.  In his defiance, John presents a last ditch effort to Congress to remind us of WHO we are, WHY we are here, and WHAT we stand for as a country.  Our role in the world is defined and our cause is just…FREEDOM from the oppression of tyranny. 

Part III - The Journey or the Prize 

     This FINAL CHAPTER is the key to OUR prayers, for EACH OF US.  I believe America has lost its founding principles and someone has to throw TEA into the HARBOR before we suffer the Harbingers of Israel?  However, in this epiphany, there is hope for redemption but it must come from each of us.  The Journey is the adventure of your life and the Prize is to live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven. We must never forget our heritage as a country, our role in the world, and the future for our children.  It is OUR story.  GOD BLESS AMERICA, we are the LAST HERO in a world filled with tyranny and oppression.

     Just a few weeks ago, the 2013 Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, author of “The Harbinger” – the startling New York Times bestseller that suggests the U.S. is in the shadow of judgment from God for its rejection of Him. Stood at the podium for this year’s Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast in Washington on Inauguration Day, there was weeping, praying, and the sound of shofars.  The reaction came when Cahn said the U.S. has chosen a path that takes the nation away from God, and he pleaded with its leaders to return.

     I am compelled to bring it to your attention.  You can witness the speech by “copy and paste” the following link below into your browser. It is an unapologetic speech to bring you the biblical truth that America is in the eleventh year of a fourteen-year judgment by God and links events from Ancient Israel to modern America in an epic WARNING to America.


     In 2011, I wrote the novel “For Our Children” to explain in detail “HOW” America must repent and specifically the act of redemption needed in order to turn America, as well as ourselves, back to God.  In 2013, it is coming true.  The book is composed from the genre of the Great American Novel.  It is a story of our times, or more importantly, the story of the times for our children yet to come.  It is two stories, a story within a story.  It is the calling of EACH OF US and the destiny of AMERICA. 

         As the author, the promise to my readers is, “I will be true to you, whatever comes.”

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Saturday, March 2, 2013

$85 Billion Sequester – Is it Enough? Hell No!

     Eighty-five billion spending cut on a three trillion budget is not much, it is not even a cut, it is a reduction in the amount for future spending increases.  It is ridiculous; but it is a start.  Someday, somebody somewhere will have to throw TEA into the HARBOR because we have enemies around the world that desperately want to see us fail.  Where does America stand in this economic survival of the fittest? Is our currency vulnerable to attack and trade wars?  China is escalating its power, Europe is collapsing dramatically, OPEC seeks to become a global nuclear threat, and the third world’s population is exploding. What do our enemies really think of us?

1.      USA owes more money than any country in the history of the world…$16 trillion on the national debt with $86 trillion in accrued liabilities on entitlement programs with no prayer of ever making any sort of repayment. Our enemies find hope that!

2.      USA is running trillion dollars deficits (losses) with a national budget that is nonexistent. Current management wants to increase spending for new programs without regard for debt burden or crippling losses. Do we really have unlimited funds? Our enemies like that!

3.      Current management evokes moral hazard and aggressively attacks opposition party as the root cause of all economic problems troubling the country. This power play agenda is not in the best interest of the country; rather only their personal self-interests (re-election) take center stage creating an America vs. Americans civil unrest environment. Our enemies love that!

4.      Tax Revenue is flat due to an aging population with ten thousand citizens turn sixty-five each day and continuing for the next nineteen years thus reducing tax revenues and increasing entitlement expenses. Our enemies find strength in that!

5.      Federal Reserve prints $3 billion per day ($85 billion per month) of new money to support the economic losses incurred by out of control spending just to keep the economy from collapsing into depression. Our enemies are amazed by that!

6.      Once the country finally becomes vulnerable to economic collapse, a single program is required to push the United States over the edge and into the abyss. This program must produce such dramatic losses as to eliminate all hope of economic and political recovery. The massive losses will come from Obama care. Our enemies understand that!

7.      The process of printing massive amounts of new money to cover losses becomes the only option for “the good of the country” thus sealing the fate of the world (see Japan’s current currency devaluation) from the inside. Our enemies rejoice in victory!

8.      In 1962, Supreme Court removes God from higher learning institutions causing an entire generation to lose its moral compass. Godless schools produce Godless citizens who elect Godless leadership. Our enemies could not believe that!

9.      As identified by Mitt Romney in his candid moment, the cultural impact of this defeat upon America has come from the inside, voted on by the people that are to receive the benefit of government aid who pay no taxes themselves. Regardless of the reason, there are now eleven states with more people on government welfare than are productive members of society.  Our enemies prepare their economic recovery plans for America!

10.   This coming Debt Crisis or, more importantly, Lack of Credit Crisis can be kicked down the road for several years; but the end result is inescapable…is it Greece of today, Austria of World War II, or God forbid Ancient Rome? Our enemies simply wait and watch us sacrifice our freedoms for their false offering of security!

    From Boston to Russia to Iran, wars of the twenty-first century will generate victory or defeat on the economic front. Ronald Reagan defeated a bankrupt Soviet Union in the 80’s ushering in the new era of economic conflict.  Currently, the United States is in an economic war with Iran. Sanctions have wreaked havoc on Iran in the form of hyperinflation to their currency and freezing of their cash reserves in global banks. A tough new U.S. sanctions measure against Iran goes into effect February 6th, restricting foreign governments from remitting payments for Iranian oil back to Tehran. The payments now must be kept within the banking system of the oil-importing country and can be used by Iran only to purchase local goods. If the local bank transfers the Iranian funds outside its national borders, it risks losing access to the U.S. financial system—a serious threat.

     In the modern world, you are capable of conquering any government by exerting economic influence over a country with the end result of national bankruptcy.  It begins with the currency policies as currency wars lead to trade wars, eventually leading to a World War. History references the Crash of 1929, followed by the Great Depression, currency wars, trade wars, and then World War. The parallel of today being the “Panic of ‘08,” followed by a “depression” in most regions.  America, a two hundred year old country, was always considered an experiment in the eyes of a two thousand year old world. Countries rise and fall during the course of history. Why would America be any different? Are we on a road to bankruptcy? Eighty six trillion in accrued liabilities, of course we are. Can we possibly be defeated? Of course we can. Change is part of life since the beginning of time.  Just because we have not yet known surrender to another nation state like Japan, Germany, Russia, and Italy did. They laugh at us as we fight amongst ourselves, pit Democrats against Republicans.  If we do not act to restore the financial stability of America, we will be just a footnote in the passage of history.  We just don’t get it.  Sequester, for what little it affects, is our last chance to act responsibly, if we still can!
Excerpt from For Our Children:
     “In America, electricity is cheap, abundant, and we have it. The sheer magnitude of dollars saved on gasoline expense for the American people, in just a single year, is one trillion dollars,” John announced. “But not just for a single year, for all generations going forward. We will break loose our chains, OPEC knows this and they are afraid.” William looked at Elizabeth, but this time, she does not look back.
     “Business will flourish in the new economy like never before. This energy savings for America will create over fifty million jobs throughout every sector of our economy. For the elderly and sick, it will fund health care reform and medical innovation for all. For the children, the war on poverty will be won and no child will ever go hungry again. Families will be able to send their children to colleges all over this great nation. Our children will have it better than any generation before. And most importantly, the tax exempt status of religious organizations will be restored. Mankind must put an end to oil oppression before it puts an end to us because our political freedom without economic freedom is simply an illusion. We must be free. We cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by cowering from our duties today,” John instructed. “I will not shrink from the fight ahead, I welcome it.” The entire room of Congressmen rose in approval and John waited for silence.
     “Therefore, by the grace of God, I humbly beseech Congress to grant me this Executive Order, so that whatever we do, in word or deed, we shall do all in his name. For this is once and for all, who we are,” John admitted in a softer, calmer tone.
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Friday, February 1, 2013

United We Stand, Divided We Fall Together

     In the history of the world, ancient kings had absolute power over the common people. Monarchs ruled over their people by force and law. Dictators reigned over the common people with forceful governments as they willingly oppressed the masses. They called themselves God’s and brought down their wrath upon the populations of this world. The strongest of these men lead armies in battles that gushed blood in the streets. Tyranny and oppression were the new normal of the day regulated by power and fear. And they won.
     Then, by God's grace, a New World was discovered. It was a distant land that could not be reached by the hand of tyranny and oppression. An ambitious experiment took place for the world to scrutinize. It would never last, they said. It would never work. Just thirteen colonies in a country full of farmers. But, they fought and died for their independence when tyranny and oppression tried to tax them without representation. And we won, all of us.
     In a world filled with darkness, suddenly the light of freedom began to flicker. It was faint and muted, but it grew. Once again, tyranny and oppression divided the country in North versus South over the right that all men are created equal. No man in America will ever be a slave to another. And we won, all of us.
     Our country grew from farms to industrial to a world power in freedom. But the darkness of tyranny and oppression would not rest.  Twice World Wars pushed the cause of freedom out to the entire world. The Allies of freedom defeated the dictators of tyranny and oppression across the globe. No one could stop us. And we won, all of us.
     Today, the world has laid down their military arms. World Wars will never return to threaten our life and liberty. But tyranny and oppression never sleep. The twenty first century has ushered in a new era of economic warfare. The weapons of mass destruction in this new era of economic warfare are PUBLIC DEBT, BANKRUPTCY, and HYPER-INFLATION of the currency.  The former Soviet Union surrendered its communism for democracy because of bankruptcy.  Are we on a path to lose this economic war? Government Healthcare has accrued liabilities of $86 trillion with seventy seven million baby boomers surpassing sixty five years old each day plus eleven million illegal immigrants becoming citizens. Yes, Virginia, we are screaming down a path of bankruptcy, all of us.
If you study history, you could have seen it coming from 200 years ago? “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.” - Alexander Tytler died in 1813    
     In a candid moment during the 2012 election campaign, Mitt Romney said, “Forty-seven percent of voters will chose Obama "no matter what" because they are people "who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.  I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
     Make no mistake, we are at war, both at home and abroad.  Throughout history, everything that has been accomplished by America, all the progress that has been made to better the world, all the sacrifices made by our ancestors will be for NOT. Therefore, if you choose to STAND and FIGHT this coming Debt Crisis in America; you have just one option. Reinvent the business model to grow the economic base of the country because the established order only produces debt. Increasing taxes and cutting spending will do "less than nothing" to reduce seventeen trillion in national debt.  You must turnaround the Middle Class, both Republican and Democrat, for all of us.
     Therein lies the HOPE for the future.  I wrote the novel “For Our Children” for this and many reasons. To leave behind a message of HOPE for the next generation of Americans and let my grandchildren know that their grandfather fought to rescue America from the Oppression and Tyranny in which they live. To leave behind a story of life for our children to know who we are, the sacrifices we made, and what we tried to accomplish during our time so that they do not lose HOPE during theirs. What is the purpose of writing a novel if not to defend the world from darkness?  That is the Great American Novel of 2013. We do understand.

     Excerpt from For Our Children:
     “Turnaround the middle class,” Brian questioned.
     “It has to be energy. How else can we ever grow the economy with this albatross around our neck,” President John Henry pleaded. “The government won’t do it. What would a fifty cent drop in gas prices do?”
     “Add seventy billion to the economy, leaving more money for clothes, restaurants, and business,” Brian stated. “It’s a real world manufactured stimulus to the economy.”
     “Business would improve, incomes would rise,” John advised. “But what about a four dollar drop in prices, and not just a year, forever.”
     “That changes everything,” Brian said. “But it’s not realistic.”
     “I’ve known oil all my life. It made me who I am,” John added. “Wall Street and OPEC manipulate us like a puppet, we give them our wealth, and they send us a car bomb wrapped up like a jet.”
     “Not exactly the American Dream,” Brian said.
     “The dream is dead unless we do something,” John admitted. “Look around, if we don’t do it, who else will.”
     “OPEC could do more to prevent a global recession than anything the Fed could ever do,” Brian said. “Printing money is all we have left.”
     “We’re no better than a third world country. Broke, dependent on oil, and in complete denial, top to bottom, it’s unsustainable,” John complained. “What were we thinking?”
     “We weren’t, we’re too busy taking,” Brian said as they return to the limousine. “The government doesn’t solve problems, they subsidize them.”
     “Give us another credit card to buy more Oil,” John snapped. “What a joke, two-bit junkies, strung out until our next fix.”
     “It’s every man for himself,” Brian said.
     “So we wait and hope,” John said, “for something or somebody who never comes.”
     “It’s a corporate state now, a welfare state,” Brian claimed. “I don’t know anymore.”
     “We have forgotten God with the vainly imagined wisdom and virtue of our own mind, too proud to pray to the God that made us,” John complained as his patience is running thin. “What would happen if the Middle East stopped shipping us crude oil? What if our supply lines were cut?”

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 - How did we get here?

     America owes more money than any country in the history of the world. On a single given day in the United States, the Federal Reserve will print new currency in excess of $2.5 billion for just one reason…to keep America from collapsing into a historic depression. How did we get here?

     When the government produces economic losses of $1 trillion per year, you have to borrow $1 trillion to make up the difference. It’s just math. Most countries do this, but not to this extreme. If you can no longer borrow your way out of the deficit, just print new money to cover the difference. In South America, we learned that when a country borrows 40 cents on every dollar spent, it causes hyperinflation or the economic equivalent of an atom bomb. A loaf of bread costs $30 because the value of the currency is devastated and then all consumer wealth is obliterated. In the United States, we currently borrow 46 cents on every dollar spent by the government. How did we get here?

     In the beginning, the government set a limit of $800 billion, then an additional $900 billion, and then more. Once the money was spent it became increasingly embarrassing to ask for more funding. Subsequently, the Fed started QE4 by printing $40 billion per month to buy mortgages and then an additional $45 billion per month for Treasuries on a never ending basis. Hence, they would never have to be embarrassed again. Just keep printing new money to pay our debts. So if anyone asks you what we produce in the United States, tell them money. We are the world’s greatest producer of new money or the soon to be trophy of hyperinflation. This is important, the government wants this inflation to make it easier to pay off the national debt because the currency value of the debt is significant reduced.  A trillion dollars doesn’t buy what it used too.  Hyperinflation is not an unusual phenomenon. Thirty-two countries have experienced hyperinflation over the last 100 years of which no less than twenty-one have experienced it in the past 25 years and four in the past 10 years. The United States is one of the few countries to have experienced two currency collapses during its history (1812-1814 and 1861-1865) to pay off war debts.  As a result, the Fed prints $2.5 billion per day because we can no longer borrow the needed money to fill the gap.  Therefore, the only time-honored solution to the economic losses of our day is for the Fed to print new money relentlessly, tons of it without end.  How, in God’s name, did we get here?

     On the other hand, don’t worry about how we got here. Worry about how to avoid becoming a penniless hyperinflation victim? Worry about what you can do to survive the coming tragedy while everyone else is suffering desperately? Actually, the only viable solution to hyperinflation is quite simple. Buy commodities.  It really doesn’t matter which commodities you buy because the price of everything is rising exponentially. Buy, hold, and then just wait. If you look hard enough, there’s always a silver lining to get through the catastrophe.  A small commodities account would dramatically increase in value. You may become a millionaire overnight.  But don’t forget, once the roulette wheel starts to spin, it’s too late to place your bet.

     In every modern case of hyperinflation the decision to inflate was a political one, not an economic one. Time magazine editor said, “We are in the midst of historic cultural and demographic changes.” I might ask…What are these historical cultural and demographic changes? We shall see. Perhaps, the old Chinese proverb, “May you live in interesting times” might also be a curse.

Excerpt from For Our Children:

     “How do you fight an economic war,” Tom said.

     “Sun Tzu, the art of war, make your enemy surrender without a fight,” President John Henry instructed. “First, become the lender of last resort; assume their debts so they’re obligated to you. Second, drive them into bankruptcy and force their default. Third, create hyperinflation to kill any hope of recovery. They will surrender to you when their stock market crashes, government fails, and blood runs in the streets. The new government seizes control without a fight. That’s how communism got its start.”

     “You didn’t answer my question,” Tom pointed out.

     “Defeat the Middle Class. Cut the supply line of credit to their economy and everything will crash,” President Henry professed. “Public debt is, by far, the greatest danger to be feared.”
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Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff of 2013

     The Fiscal Cliff is a slang term conceived by Ben Bernanke for the Budget Control Act of 2011. Why would anyone be against much needed budget control for the United States? Rather, why would anyone be for an out of control Budget legislation?  Regardless, the Budget Control Act of 2011 was APPROVED and SIGNED INTO LAW by President Obama in August 2011 to end the Congressional battle over raising the government debt ceiling.  The Act was a compromise between Democrats and Republicans on economic policies while temporarily increasing the debt ceiling. They agreed to implement by law, if no other deal was reached before Dec. 31, massive government spending cuts as well as tax increases. For the middle class taxpayers of America, this reality makes up the Fiscal Cliff. So much for campaign promises.

     Here is the problem with the U.S. budget. A silent monster looms menacingly over U.S. government finances and grows larger every year. Politicians know about it, but very few of them ever want to talk about it. The name of this monster is "entitlements" - Social Security, Medicare and other social Ponzi schemes that the U.S. government has locked itself into funding. Why are these entitlements under fire? It is the baby boomers. Starting in 2011, TEN THOUSAND baby boomers celebrate their 65th birthday every day and the trend continues for the next TWENTY plus years.  Those who have closely analyzed this monster all seem to agree that one day it will create a Financial Tsunami of a magnitude that is absolutely unprecedented, but there is vast disagreement about how to escape this Financial Tsunami or if it is even possible to escape it.  Yet, here we are.

     We most often hear about the alarming $15.96 trillion national debt and the 2012 budget deficit of $1.1 trillion (Fiscal Cliff). As dangerous as those numbers are, they do not begin to tell the story of the federal government's true liabilities. The actual liabilities of the federal government—including Social Security, Medicare, and federal employees' future retirement benefits (Fiscal Tsunami)—already exceed $86.8 TRILLION (according to an article by Mr. Cox, a former chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee and the Securities and Exchange Commission, is president of Bingham Consulting LLC. Mr. Archer, a former chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, is a senior policy adviser at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP). For the year ending Dec. 31, 2011, the annual accrued expense of Medicare and Social Security was $7 trillion. 

     By 2020, these entitlement programs will be up around 100 cents of every dollar of federal revenue.  That means the interest on the debt and spending on entitlement programs will eat up everything the U.S. government takes in before a penny is spent on anything else (according to a report by the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office).  It would be hard to understate the seriousness of the problem that entitlements present.

     This Budget Control Act of 2011 is not nearly enough.  In reality, that would amount to bailing out the Pacific Ocean with a tablespoon. Frankly, it is hard to imagine any responsible argument for uncontrollable 2012 budget spending of funds we simply do not have. Therefore, we have only two possible outcomes, Fiscal Cliff or Fiscal Tsunami. The Cliff is not enough and the Tsunami is more than we could possibly bear.  Neither of which is acceptable for the country to achieve any kind of financial recovery.  It is, by any stretch of the imagination, a recipe for national financial suicide. This established order is not working.   

Excerpt from For Our Children:

     “You want to cut government spending and raise taxes,” Brian said.

     “That’s never worked,” President John Henry pointed out. “We have to increase revenue and cut expenses for the American people, the Middle Class. Increase their incomes and reduce their cost of living.”

     “Turnaround the Middle Class,” Brian questioned.

     “In simplest terms, we’re drowning in an ocean of credit card debt and we can no longer make our minimum payments. Much like many Americans, this too is our enemy. Of course, we could get more credit or print more money to prolong the end. Either way nothing is fixed, nothing has changed. We have mortgaged our future for the greed of today. We must think and act anew, then stand firm. We will reinvent our system, economy, and our lives because this established order is not working,” President John Henry said.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November 6th, 2012

The following is an excerpt from For Our Children.
     President Samuel Adams was there, as well. This is the way he told it, “If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” Be grateful for the world left specifically for you. It is fragile, to say the least.  It is with sincere regard that I pose these questions to you. Is it the journey or the prize you seek? What do your children mean to you? Are you one of us? I have answered your prayers, but your destiny is still in play. There are more sacrifices to be made, more deeds to be done. The world is far from safe. Therefore, never forget the words Mr. Kennedy challenged you with, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

     When I was a very young boy, my parents asked me a very important question.  I did not realize it at the time, but it was a question that would define my behavior for a lifetime.  They said, “If your friends all jumped off a cliff, would you follow them?”  Sound familiar?  I replied with a simple, Of course not.  Little did I know that would stay with me to this day?  Now on this day, America voted for a President of the United States.  It seems that a far greater number of citizens prefer the idea of free things, handouts, and, in fact, socialism than do the idea of being free and self-sufficient.  My response to that social movement of citizenship is, Of course not.  I will never succumb to the gifts of tyrants.  I choose freedom. I choose America.  I choose Samual Adams.  We are and will always be the light of the world. (Matthew 5: 14-16)  
For Our Children is available at for your Kindle or Iphone at the price of a snickers bar...99 cents. has the paperback and hard copy versions, as well.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

What is the United State's role in the World?

The excerpt below is from the novel, For Our Children. The President of the United States, John Henry, is making a speech to end the economic oppression that is crippling the country. 

     “Ladies and Gentleman of the United States of America, I would like to welcome you on this most important of days,” John began. “For over two hundred years, freedom has been the right of every person and the future of every nation. It is the very nature of man to yearn to live free. But on this July 4th, freedom belongs with God. It’s his gift to humanity and America’s great responsibility to protect it. This is who we are in our world.” John points to a man in the balcony.
     “Sven Haugen, would you stand, please, for everyone to see you,” John asked. “Show your arms and let them see what the scars of oppression really look like.” Sven stood and pulled up his sleeves. He is not a young man. His face is weathered from living a hard life. His hands and arms have scars from years of torture and manual labor. Yet, there seems to be an inner peace about him that transcends his outward appearance. He smiled a particularly warm smile that exuded happiness rarely found in most men. You might say he is content with his world. That's more than most men can say.
     “Sven’s life began in Romania,” John announced. “When he was sixteen years old, a science teacher in his school told him about the creation of the world. Sven believed that God created the world and he said so. He read that in the Bible. Later that day, the secret police escorted him out of school. His parents were told he would be leaving them for a while. Sven spent the next eighteen months in a Romanian prison. He slept on a concrete floor, had an open window with bars that could not stop the freezing winds, and was routinely tortured with electric shock and cigarette burns to his hands and arms.” Sven still standing, nods his head in approval.
     “After eighteen months, he was released. He fled his homeland to Italy where he was hunted. He escaped to Germany but they didn’t want him, either. With no place to turn, only America would accept him. Today, he’s home.” 
     “Sven has lived the words from the Statue of Liberty,” John said. ‘Give us your poor; you’re tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Send these, the homeless, tempest-toss to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’ He's a free man in America because we allow people to escape a heartless world of tyranny and oppression.
     This is finally who we are, our role in this world, our destiny. I thank God for the opportunity to let us help you. Your life, your suffering makes us a stronger nation, for what we have to do.”